Announcement bar

Learn how to set up a flexible announcement message bar with targeting options

This video is for Minimog version 4.1.0 and older.

An announcement bar is a short snippet where you can showcase a message to your site. Using an announcement bar on your website is one of the easiest ways to draw visitors' attention.

You might add an announcement bar to highlight the following information:

  • shipping information

  • new stock alerts

  • any promotions, such as sales or new gift cards, etc.


  1. In the theme editor (Customize), click Add section

  2. Locate Announcement bar

  3. Save.

Section settings

General settings

You can control how the bar displays by checking/ un-checking the boxes.

  • Show announcement: Enable/ disable the bar.

  • Home page only: Activate to display on the home page only or across all pages.

  • Show close button: Activate the X button on the right-hand side of the bar.

  • Show divider: Differentiate the bar from the header section.

Slider settings

  • Show navigation: Show the arrows to let customers navigate between different announcement items (when you have multiple announcement items).

  • Auto-rotate slides: Change the announcement slides automatically.

  • Change slides every: Set a duration for the slider to change every 2-10s (when the Auto-rotate slides option is enabled).

Block settings

Each Announcement item comes with a message and a link for that message if you want to direct customers to your desired page.

The aforementioned settings are available on Minimog version 5.0.0 and above.

If your current Minimog version is older, there might be some differences in the settings of this section.

Last updated